Parent-Led Classes:

We require members to volunteer either:  helping 2 class hours every week   OR  teaching 1 class hour every week. 

Majority of our classes are Parent-Led.  We depend on your help to make this group function.  Teaching a class just takes a willing heart and positive attitude.  Parents that teach have the benefit of just volunteering one class hour each week and registering early.   

The HSK Board will find substitutes for all parent volunteer teachers and helpers.  Please notify the board asap if you will be absent.

Independent Instructor* Classes:

HSK offers Independent Instructors* for karate, ballet dance, robotics, programming, engineering, Spanish, guitar, and piano.  Babysitters* are paid for childcare for Fun Hour (during Connect Hour only).

Homeschool Kingdom asks both the Independent Instructors* and babysitters* to sign our Statement of Faith.

If the Independent Instructors* are not able to attend a class, they need to refund the fees for the day missed.  In this situation, students will be given an alternate activity during their time at HSK.


​*All Independent Instructor and Babysitters are independent contractors.  Homeschool Kingdom does not have any employees.